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Product name: CANVAC DHPL
Active substance: Canine distemper virus, Live, Canine adenovirus 2, Live, Canine parvovirus, Live, Leptospira interrogans, SG Icterohaemorrhagiae, SV Icterohaemorrhagiae, Inactivated, Leptospira interrogans, SG Grippotyphosa, SV Grippotyphosa, Inactivated, Leptospira interrogans, SG Sejroe, SV Hardjo, Inactivated
Target tribe: psi
Drug form: Lyofilizát a rozpouštědlo pro injekční suspenzi
Registration date: 1. 6. 1994
Registration number: 97/753/94-C
Verdict holder: Dyntec, spol s r.o.
Pražská 328
Terezín 411 55
Phone: +420 416 782 251, Fax: +420 416 782 575
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
ATC vet. code: QI07AI - Live Canine distemper virus vaccine + live Canine adenovirus vaccine + live Canine parvovirus vaccine + inactivated Leptospira vaccine
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Live viral and inactivated bacterial vaccines
Narcotics: NO
Indication restriction: NO
Withdrawal period:
Procedure type: National

Table of active package codes

Package codeSizePackage typeMaterialIdentification codeEU numberIssue
99982286 x 1 dávkalahvičkasklo--Na předpis
993620530 x 1 dávkalahvičkasklo--Na předpis
99020336 x 1 dávkalahvičkaplast--Na předpis
990203430 x 1 dávkalahvičkaplast--Na předpis