Čeština (Česká republika)English (United Kingdom)


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Product name: Deltatic pro velmi malé psy 0.636 g
Active substance: Deltamethrinum
Target tribe: psi
Drug form: Medikovaný obojek
Registration date: 1. 4. 2019
Registration number: 96/011/19-C
Verdict holder: Vetpharma Animal Health S.L.
Gran Via De Carles III 98 7th Floor
Barcelona 08028
Phone: , Fax:
ATC vet. code: QP53AC - Deltamethrin
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Pyrethrins and pyrethroids
Narcotics: NO
Indication restriction: NO
Withdrawal period:
Procedure type: Decentralised

Table of active package codes

Package codeSizePackage typeMaterialIdentification codeEU numberIssue
99072581 x 1 obojeksáček---Vyhrazený
99072592 x 1 obojeksáček---Vyhrazený